Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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Out of the many hobbies of mankind there are a lot of hobbies which does not deal with any kind of out door activity. Numismatics is one out of them. You can collect and keep increasing your personal collection or you can even get them for rare collectibles and donating them to the museums for the future generations to now of it when you are not there physically present.

Numismatics and coin collections we know it to be is one of the best hobbies which not only inform us about our own history but also gives us ideas of the coins that will be made in the future. Even though all coins do not attract the sense of the people who practice this hobby, only the coins which were replica violet uggs australia boot on sale circulated for a brief period of time or are "defective" are of great interest and value.

One can look up for many coins with different kinds of insignia appealing to the people who have a passion for this kind of hobby. Numismatics some what differs from coin collection as the former is a systematic study of the currency allover the replica violet uggs australia boot on sale world while the latter involves collection only. From here too we get to learn many replica violet uggs australia boot on sale things but not every one engages them selves in to knowing the actually detailing of the history that it comes with. There is some numismatics who is not a coin collector; it can be the other way round too.

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The 2009 Opalesque U.K. Roundtable was sponsored by Newedge Prime Brokerage Group (www.newedgegroup.com) and took place at their London office with:

1. Anthony Ward, Co-Founder of Armajaro and non-executive Chairman of replica violet uggs australia boot sale Armajaro Trading Limited

2. Aref Karim, Founder, Quality Capital Management

3. Douglas Shaw, Managing Director Proprietary Alpha Strategies, BlackRock

4. Duncan Crawford, Head of Capital Introductions, Prime Brokerage Group, Newedge Group

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5. Emmanuel Roman, Co-Chief Executive Officer, GLG Partners

6. Giles White, Partner and CIO, MaxCap Partners

7. Lawrence Staden, Founder, GLC

8. Max Gottschalk, Senior Managing Director, Gottex

9. Oliver Dobbs, CIO of Portfolio Management, CQS

When Opalesque published its first U.K. Roundtable in June of 2008, the hedge fund industry still had the worst storm ahead. Now, one year after the unforgettable events of Q4 2008, the replica violet uggs australia boot sale industry is still restructuring, but the survivors move strongly forward.

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In a recent case, California’s Appellate Court used replica violet uggs australia boot for sale the Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine ("RCOD") to hold officers personally liable for $2.5 million in environmental penalties. In People v. Roscoe (Cal. Ct. App. 2008, WL 5378254) the court held the corporate officers personally liable, without piercing the corporate veil, for civil violations.

This is a significant departure. The RCOD has been used before in California to hold responsible corporate officers personally liable for their company’s violations of strict liability public welfare statutes. In the replica violet uggs australia boot for sale past the doctrine was only used for criminal violations of state statutes. But now, as this new case indicates, California will use the RCOD for civil violations.
In the Roscoe case, Ned and John Roscoe owned and operated an underground storage tank in Galt, California through a corporation called the Customer Company. When their tank leaked 3,000 gallons of gasoline into the ground the Roscoe’s notified the Sacramento County authorities and hired an environmental consultant to take care of the remediation. When the cleanup did not happen quickly enough the county sued the Customer Company and the Roscoes. While the court did not find enough evidence to pierce the corporate veil, (the Roscoes had followed corporate formalities) it did use RCOD to hold the Roscoes personally liable for $2.5 million in civil penalties.
The Roscoe case illustrates the hazards of doing any sort of environmental related business in California. Regulators in California are free to seek huge cumulative penalties using their per-day and per-violation fine system. (Note that the Roscoes identified the problem to the county and hired someone to clean it up but it wasn’t fast enough for the regulators, thus the run up in fines.) And now the California courts are backing up the regulators by assessing personal liability against officers ? even when the corporate formalities have been followed.
If you must do business in California involving any sort of environmental regulations be certain to have the systems in place to deal with such risks. More broadly, if you do any sort of business in California whereby administrative penalties may be assessed, be aware that California regulators replica violet uggs australia boot for sale and courts may someday seek to hold you personally liable as a responsible corporate officer. As if there weren’t already enough reasons to leave California…

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Many would have wondered as how a mountain goat could walk and run so fast even on the cliff of a rocky mountain? How a panther or a squirrel could climb and run around on a tree top?? How monkeys and birds also climb replica violet uggs australia boot on big sale trees and could live there.? Have anyone noticed how a mountain goat or panther or squirrel could move around on top the mountain or tree and how different it is from monkey or a bird??

Does mountain goat hold on the rock firmly to protect itself? Does it have holding feet or legs? How about panther and squirrel for example?? None of the animals hold onto the trees during their movement.? Whereas, monkeys and birds when they climb or moves replica violet uggs australia boot on big sale on the trees, hold onto the branches.? ?How certain animals without holding on the tree could move swift and fast while other animals needs to hold on the tree branches.?

What message do these animals convey to the corporate?? People often think that only when they replica violet uggs australia boot on big sale hold on something or leave something, they can achieve.? But in fact, holding or leaving is not all that important but how one should balance only make them possible to achieve.? The leopard or jungle cat or mountain goat knows to balance while climbing on a tree or walking on the branch or on a mountain.? Since they know to balance or have perfected the art of balancing very well, they do not hold or catch anything.?

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This bull market in commodities has lit a fire under junior mining stocks and private equity groups have taken advantage of this rally and invested millions.

Pala Investments AG is one of the big players on the private equity side for junior mining companies.

Jan Castro is the managing director of Pala and founded the fund in July 2006. He is involved as a director in many junior miners.

Pala manages over $1 Billion USD and is an active buyer of junior mining stocks all over the world. In this May 5, 2010 press release, Pala announced the purchase of 10.61% of Capstone Mining Corp.


The Pala fund is located in Switzerland and it is replica violet uggs australia boot from china a good place to look for capital for any mining junior with a proven reserve. replica violet uggs australia boot from china Colin Murray is listed replica violet uggs australia boot from china as CFO and he can be contacted at cmurray@pala.com.

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Corporate housing is required mostly by the employees of a corporation, who require temporary housing for a few weeks or months to some different city than their permanent location. There are different policies floated by various companies for making arrangements for the stay of their executives. Conventionally, the companies used to tie up with hotels for nominal rates for a long stay. The concept of hiring long term hotel is still adopted by some companies, but the newer way of hiring corporate apartments is also becoming popular. Hotels have a fixed atmosphere and there is no flexibility for company or executives to make alterations in furnishings or environment. However, in the case of short term housing apartments, it is feasible for a company to make arrangements according to available expenses as well as their choice.

corporate housing industry is becoming popular since long and there is a growth of getting apartments, houses, condominiums and lofts by various companies. There is another advantage of cost as corporate apartments are relatively cheaper than extended hotel stays. Moreover, there is flexibility of choosing a correct location. Travelers will get more privacy and comfort in their temporary apartment. A company can get fully furnished temporary apartments in urban downtown areas. Corporate housing is a highly recommendable option because it doesn't bind companies. replica aqua sea uggs australia boot Even employees can travel with their families, kids and bring their pets long. It can be a working place for you and vacation housing for replica aqua sea uggs australia boot your family members. There is an availability of fully furnished apartments and company doesn't have to worry about the basic amenities. There are all important facilities like laundry, gym, playgrounds and many others available nearby the corporate apartments. Hotels include many taxes in replica aqua sea uggs australia boot their bills and also, the food charges are very expensive.?

On the other hand, corporate housing is cheaper because there are no taxes included and also, there is a flexible stay for employee. There are many locations and apartments available for corporate lease. You can surf Internet to find most suitable locations for hiring corporate houses. There are many listings available with various options. The reservations for short term housing can be made online or through a phone call. You can get satisfactory services by staying at a reputed place. Many companies have concluded that their executives are more satisfied by staying in fully furnished temporary apartments rather than hotels.

The issues like rental and other provisions can be decided after choosing temporary apartment. You can discuss with corporate housing representative about the duration of your stay and budget you are looking for. Some people look for budget extended stay hotel, but instead of that option, it is better to choose corporate apartments under same pricing. Ultimately, corporate housing is a recommendable alternative and you'll feel as it is your other home away from your actual home. Even if you are a leisure traveler and have come for a vacation, relocation housing can be great for you and your family.

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eLove, the fastest growing matchmaking firm in the country, recently acquired Cupid's Coach, a Los Angeles-based matchmaking company. The addition of Cupid Coach's two locations in Los Angeles and Westlake Village brings eLove's total number of matchmaking offices to 50 nationwide.

"We're positively thrilled with the replica aqua sea uggs australia boot on sale addition of Cupid's Coach for many reasons," said Paul A. Falzone, CEO of eLove. "Besides replica aqua sea uggs australia boot on sale giving us a presence in a large market like LA, it gives us the opportunity to add one of the great matchmakers in the business today, Julie Ferman."

As the principal of Cupid's Coach, Julie Ferman has been in the matchmaking business for more than 20 years. She's appeared on NBC's "Match Off", E's "Kendra" and was recently awarded iDATE's "Matchmaker of the Year Award". Ferman is responsible for more than 1100 marriages.

The partnership with eLove makes sense for us on many levels," said Ferman. "We are now the first dating company to offer our clients both traditional matchmaking through eLove's existing model and mutual selection matchmaking, using detailed personal resumes and professional photos. Cupid's Coach brings two other innovations to eLove's higher level service offerings: ongoing coaching and personal recruiting. So, not only are we able to search for the right match from within eLove/Cupid's Coach client base, but also through the passive referral members we proactively recruit through avenues such as events and affiliate referrals."?

To celebrate the merger, eLove and Cupid's Coach will be hosting the Fall Magic Cocktail Mixer and Dance party on Saturday, October 2. The event, which goes from 7 p.m. to replica aqua sea uggs australia boot on sale 1 a.m., will be held at the Aqua Lounge at 424 N. Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills. The event will include:

・????????? Healthy light appetizers from 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
・????????? "ASK THE LOVE EXPERTS" open panel from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
・????????? FREE profile photo for Cupid's Coach or eLove
・????????? Fun Rapid Mixer to meet tons of great people at 8:30 p.m.
・????????? Raffle prizes, tarot readings, massage and more!

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Business Refinancing

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Without it, the business will fail. Unfortunately the credit crunch has resulted in many businesses becoming starved of cash because they are unable to raise the funds they need from traditional sources such as bank loans and overdrafts. In addition, in many situations, agreed lending facilities such as overdrafts are being reduced or even withdrawn completely.

The economic downturn has also lead to commercial property values plummeting. The effect of this has been that unless your business owns a property outright and therefore has significant equity in it, it may be virtually impossible to raise mortgage finance against commercial property.

Despite these issues, there are other avenues that you can investigate that may well be the answer you are looking for in terms of raising cash and improving liquidity in your business.

Management Buy Out

Re-financing techniques are not just for the turnaround and rescue of troubled businesses. They can also be used replica aqua sea uggs australia boot sale in more positive situations: the cash raised from re-financing can facilitate both Management Buy-outs (MBO), and Management Buy-ins (MBI).

If the existing management of the business wishes to buy out the existing shareholders it is rare they will have the funds at their disposal. A refinancing of the businesses assets could raise funds to enable this to happen.

Some serial entrepreneurs who regularly buy businesses can use invoice and asset re-financing as a means of funding the purchase. Companies who look to buy out other businesses can either refinance their own assets, the bid target replica aqua sea uggs australia boot sale assets, or both, to raise the funds to make the purchase.

The Alternatives to Bank Loans and Commercial Mortgages

Asset Refinance

Asset refinancing is borrowing against the value of fixed assets replica aqua sea uggs australia boot sale within the business. In theory any business asset can be financed as long as an independent value can quantify its market value. However, asset refinancing generally works well in sectors where a business is likely to own large assets such as machinery and plant, which have clearly quantifiable resale values. Examples of such businesses might be manufacturing, engineering, print, construction and transportation.

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TCI Sanmar Chemicals S.A.E. is one of the key constituent companies of The Sanmar Group. The group acquired Trust Chemical Industries LLC in Port Said, Egypt, in March 2007 and rechristened it. TCI Sanmar manufactures caustic soda based on membrane technology with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes per annum (tpa).

The company has completed the first phase of expansion involving expansion of Caustic Soda capacity to 275,000 tpa, setting up a new Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) plant with a capacity of 150,000 tpa and a Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) plant with a capacity of 200,000 tpa. The PVC production is expected to be commissioned in November 2011 replica aqua sea uggs australia boot for sale using imported Ethylene Di Chloride (EDC) as a feedstock.

The second phase replica aqua sea uggs australia boot for sale of expansion involving setting up replica aqua sea uggs australia boot for sale of a 185,000 tpa Ethylene manufacturing plant with imported Ethanol as raw material and expansion of PVC capacity by another 200,000 tpa, is going to be taken up for implementation shortly.

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Environmentally responsible business practice is now an ingrained part of corporate office life across the UK. Office recycling, energy-saving measures and supply chain monitoring are all part of this process as is, increasingly, the issue of green commuting - encouraging the workforce to travel to replica aqua sea uggs australia boot on big sale and from the workplace in as eco-friendly a way as possible.
Many of the larger corporates have the resource and infrastructure to set out incentive schemes and work up green transport strategies for their employees. For example, back in 2005, Pfizer earmarked more than £800,000 a year to encourage its 1000 employees at its Walton Oaks site to opt for a green commute. When planning permission was granted for the site in Tadworth, Surrey, the company agreed to a replica aqua sea uggs australia boot on big sale transport plan setting out stringent green transport goals, including single occupancy vehicle, public transport and car-sharing targets.
But for those businesses at the other end of the spectrum, whose resources won't stretch that far, the notion of trying to replica aqua sea uggs australia boot on big sale manage a sustainable strategy over an activity that takes place beyond the office boundaries can often be a bridge too far.